Know about NTA NEET dress code 2023 official website Now

To appear for the exam, candidates must adhere to a number of rules and regulations established by the NTA, including the NEET 2023 dress code.

What is the dress code for NEET exam 2023?  Candidates must dress in light, half-sleeved attire without large buttons, brooches, badges, flowers, etc., along with a salwar or pair of trousers.

Is sleeveless kurti allowed in NEET?  Yes, the NEET officials have approved the wearing of kurtis with lining despite the tight criteria they follow.

Is normal jeans allowed in NEET?  On the day of the exam, it is recommended against wearing jeans.

Are earrings allowed in NEET?  No, candidates are not permitted to wear any type of jewellery, including anklets, nose pins, earrings, rings, pendants, necklaces, or bracelets.

Is long hair allowed in NEET? On the day of the exam, it is recommended against wearing jeans.

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