Arise V. O., Siaka M. S., Yusuf N. D., Oladosu K. R., Adeleye T. A.
Department of Public Health Science, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Kwara State University.
Journal Title: International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
Author(s): Arise V. O., Siaka M. S., Yusuf N. D., Oladosu K. R., Adeleye T. A.
Published On: 02/08/2024
Volume: 11
Issue: 7
First Page: 396
Last Page: 408
ISSN: 2321-2705
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Arise V. O., Siaka M. S., Yusuf N. D., Oladosu K. R., Adeleye T. A., Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Secondary Students Towards Sex Education in Moro Local Government Area, Kwara State, Volume 11 Issue 7, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), 396-406, Published on 02/08/2024, Available at
Sex education is aimed at helping students understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. It is also hoped to delay sexual debut, forestall teenage pregnancies and reduce STI and HIV infections. This research focuses on the knowledge, attitude and perception of secondary students towards sex education in Moro Local Government Area, Kwara State. Furthermore, this study approach to determine why adolescent sexuality is not a much researched topic in Nigeria as in most sub-Saharan countries which revealed the causal factor is attached to restrictive socio-cultural values and norms and why Parents who ought to be the primary educators shy away from their role in the area of sexuality education, leaving it to schools. A multi stage sampling technique was utilized for this study with a sample size of 500 students selected from different secondary schools within Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State. Research data was collected by the utilization of a semi-structured questionnaire which was thereafter subjected to analysis employing fundamental statistical methods, including frequencies, percentages, and chi-square analysis. A significance level of p=0.05 was selected. The results shows that most of respondents had the knowledge on sex education as 151 (30.2%) of male students and 159 (31.8%) of female students had an orientation on sex education in their schools. However, a large percentage of students stated sex education is not efficiently taught in their respective schools. Hence, this study recommends periodic organizing of sex education programs and campaigns for secondary school students, parents and guardians active involvement, Teachers and school management to strengthen moral comportment amidst students, orientation on gender equality and indiscrimination and promotion of Governmental regulations as factors to promote sex education among students and teenagers.
Keywords: Sex education, Teenagers, Teenage Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
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